Power to the People: (Rough Cut Media) Discussion on the role media literacy and production tools should have in schools
Discuss the role(s) media literacy and production tools currently play on the secondary level. Incorporate current and former media students from SLA's Rough Cut Media program into small group discussions centered on identifying commonalities and differences in need(s). The workshop will also serve to develop language and objectives for a minimum standard for media literacy and creation across learning environments on the secondary level.
Conversational Practice
Students will be included in a panel along with staff members. After a brief "show and tell" of what we have achieved in the past 3 years at SLA, the session will be broken down into small group discussions about the current role(s) media plays in a myriad of educational environments, obstacles that exist to implementation, and strategies to follow in starting/building programs into self-sustaining entities with revenue streams within five years. Small groups will be asked to document their discussions on g-docs to continue the conversation past the live session.
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