Discover the Why for Learning
What is the Why of learning? The main idea of this conversation is to discuss how we can move from a sense of compliance to a feeling of ownership about what we learn. The idea of school isn't working for most kids. How do we shake up the system so kids address what they need to know and what they want to learn? What does that mean for "school" now? The focus of the conversation will be on redesigning existing curriculum to create a learner-centered strategy so they drive the learning. The UN has developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and created lessons around each of the SDGs. One Goal we will focus on is sustainability. The lessons provided by the UN tend to be teacher-centered.
We will review the design thinking process as it relates to lesson design. The presenter will walk the participants through the process using one of the lessons. Participants will be working in groups and will have one lesson to redesign as the presenter explains each of the elements of the design thinking process. The participants will take the role of learners as co-designers of the curriculum. With the first element: Empathy, each group will brainstorm ideas of what that means for a particular audience. They will then brainstorm and choose a problem identified by this audience and create an essential question, a solution and a prototype. The groups will share out their prototypes and have a final group discussion on the process.
Conversational Practice
Each group will have flip chart paper and pens to write how they will use the design thinking process to redesign a lesson.
For Empathy, the groups will use the protocol "Open Space" to self-organize their conversation based on the audience they choose to discuss and how they will learn more about that audience.
For Brainstorm, the groups will discuss and write ideas for a problem they identified for that audience. They will then agree on the main problem and write that on the chart paper as an essential question.
For Ideate, the groups will use the protocol "Whip-Around" to have each member write down a solution to the problem and essential question, and then share thoughts with the group.
For Prototype, this is where the group takes one of the solutions and designs how they will solve the problem. The prototype can be text, a drawing, or an idea.
For Test, the groups will share out their prototype and provide feedback for each other and on the process.
Conversation Links
Kathy Kubeczko
Alvin TrustyLiberty-Benton Local Schools
Michael ReichertSalesianum
Marita FitzpatrickBodine High School for International Affairs
Chris ChampionWest Shore School District
Cara CostaKIPP Rise Academy
Jason Falconio
Chris MooreNotaSchool
Rachel Parsons
Kristin Susens
Heather SlatoffEast Penn School District
Christina McCabe
Diana PottsScience Leadership Academy Middle School
William SutherlandSalesianum School
Megan McNamaraPhiladelphia High School for Girls
Kristin YoungParkland School District
Mark TurnerMy classroom is a garage- Building Futures
Liz Davis
Peggy GeorgeClassroom 2.0 LIVE
Colleen BetrusNaples CSD
Lauren Will
Jenny LeeSpeyer Legacy School
Shawn VanWingerdenKIPP New Jersey
Patti Duncan
Jeanette Simenson
NancyLee BergeyUPenn GSE
Katie Gambardella
Caitlin ThompsonInquiry Schools
Young-Mee Hill
Crystal Marr
Stacey GouldCouncil Rock High School North
Linda Nelson
Dan WhalenCollingswood Public Schools
Audrey MorrisRise Academy 6th Grade ELA Teacher
David BransonKIPP New Jersey
Eric BarshingerSouth Western School District
Terri InloesAcademy School District 20
Claire GallagherGeorgian Court University; AIA-CAE; ANFA
Jaime CasapGoogle
Chris LoefflerWilmington Friends School
Erin Anderson
Meredith MartinSLAMS
Heather BeckLake Oswego School District
Rich NoonanWorkshop School Writing Center Coach
Amanda Mercadante
Gena LopataThe Crefeld School
Jessica RaleighDenver Public Schools
Maryann MolishusCouncil Rock SD
Michael FranklinSLA-MS
Haley Robinson
Christian Kunkel
Brian JohnsonTilden Middle School
Ashley Ryckman
Nicholas FargnoliBloomfield Central School
Bryan RosenNightingale-Bamford School
Kevin KellyJohn Hancock Demonstration School
JR RennaParkland SD
Joanne Beckwith
Michael ArsenaultTimberview Middle School
Sebastian GluzmanThe Shipley School
Tod WitmanSchuylkill Valley School District
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