Jeff Cooper

Jeff Cooper

Forest Grove Oregon

About Me

I’m a career educator with 20 years experience; I taught English, ESL and Stagecraft at Richmond High (of “Coach Carter” fame), which is where I got my start on the Internet in 1996. Please have a look at my article “Building 21st Century Collaborative Learning Communities” which describes one of my success stories there.

I also taught computer applications and was a resource teacher in California, and Education Technology Specialist for the College of Education at Pacific University.

I was laid off due to budget cuts in 2004, and have been an unemployed (single father) ever since.

I believe that if we are going to truly “reform” (i.e. revolutionize) education we need to get every student a laptop. From there we could develop true individualized education, collaborative group work and mentoring, authentic assessment through e-portfolios, CALL for all students, and a truly decentralized, student-centered scenario.

The problem is this means “the powers that be” have to give up the idea of controlling education… not an easy thing to do!
